Miles, City, MT
Season Opener - June 1st and 2nd
Click Here
Crow Agency, MT
Crow Native Days - June 22nd and 23rd
Click Here
Inchelium, Washington
Sugar Bowl Indian Relay - July 6th and 7th
Click Here
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Downs - July 27th and 28th
Click Here
Dodson, MT
Phillips County Fair - August 2nd
Click Here
Lower Brule, SD
Lower Brule Races
August 10th and 11th
Click Here
Inchelium, WA
SBRA Indian Relay Races - TBA
Click Here

Vendor Application Form

Vendor Information

Vendor Coordinator will review and approve application and contact you with setup time and date for events you attend.
Vendor Rules and Regulations
Event fees will be due by the date listed on the contract.
All vendor booth fees are non-refundable, including in the case of severe weather unless event is canceled.
All vendors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Horse Nations and its affiliates harmless against any third party claims arising from the event, excluding any negligence on the part of Horse Nations Indian Relay Council.
Horse Nations assumes no liability with respect to any property, of any kind, placed upon the premises by the vendor.
Horse Nations is not responsible for accidents or stolen items.
The vendor shall be responsible for removing all displays, advertising materials at the end of the event.
Must meet all requirements of the state of event Health Board for food booths.
Vendors are responsible for the cleanliness, safety and insurance of his/her property.
Must provide generators if needed for electricity.
Two wristbands.
Furnish your own table and shade


Vendor Documentation

Vendor applicants must submit the following documentation with application: Photo of vending operation, products being sold and signage if possible and we will share on event page.

Your signature indicates you have read and understand this Application & Contract, Schedule of Events & Fees and Vendor Rules and Regulations provided by Horse Nations Indian Relay. Your signature indicates that you agree to abide by the rules.

I, the undersigned, as an authorized person, officer or director, of the participant herein named, do hereby agree release, hold harmless and indemnify Horse Nations Indian Relay Council, INC, its visitors, officers, directors, employees, sponsors, and all affiliates from any financial loss that may occur as a result of or relating to vending at all events.
Clear Signature
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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