Miles, City, MT
Season Opener - June 1st and 2nd
Click Here
Crow Agency, MT
Crow Native Days - June 22nd and 23rd
Click Here
Inchelium, Washington
Sugar Bowl Indian Relay - July 6th and 7th
Click Here
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Downs - July 27th and 28th
Click Here
Dodson, MT
Phillips County Fair - August 2nd
Click Here
Lower Brule, SD
Lower Brule Races
August 10th and 11th
Click Here
Inchelium, WA
SBRA Indian Relay Races - TBA
Click Here

HNIRC Team Relay Biography Form

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(Year's Racing)
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(Year's Racing)
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(Year's Racing)
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(Year's Racing)
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Please share any unique information regarding your team.

Horses Used

Please provide relevant information about horse, background, racing history, involvement in para-mutual racing, wins in Horse Nations Indian Relay Council races. etc.

HNIRC Team Relay Biography Form

Download, print and send to: HNIRC PO Box 5008 Pine Ridge, SD 57771

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