Miles, City, MT
Season Opener - June 1st and 2nd
Click Here
Crow Agency, MT
Crow Native Days - June 22nd and 23rd
Click Here
Inchelium, Washington
Sugar Bowl Indian Relay - July 6th and 7th
Click Here
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Downs - July 27th and 28th
Click Here
Dodson, MT
Phillips County Fair - August 2nd
Click Here
Lower Brule, SD
Lower Brule Races
August 10th and 11th
Click Here
Inchelium, WA
SBRA Indian Relay Races - TBA
Click Here

HNIRC Race Entry Form

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO USE THIS PAYMENT METHOD. You will be redirected to PayPal website where you can pay via PayPal account OR a credit card. All electronic payments are subject to a $15 processing fee.


There are absolutely no refunds of entry fees.

I have read the HNIRC rules and agree to abide by them.

Horses will be checked for body score and if they do not pass they will not be allowed to race.

Absolutely no animal abuse on the premises that means on track or at barns.

If you are unsure if your payment was processed, please email to verify your entry and payment.
Clear Signature

Print Race Entry Form

Download, print and send to:
PO Box 5008
Pine Ridge, SD 57771

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