Miles, City, MT
Season Opener - June 1st and 2nd
Click Here
Crow Agency, MT
Crow Native Days - June 22nd and 23rd
Click Here
Inchelium, Washington
Sugar Bowl Indian Relay - July 6th and 7th
Click Here
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Downs - July 27th and 28th
Click Here
Dodson, MT
Phillips County Fair - August 2nd
Click Here
Lower Brule, SD
Lower Brule Races
August 10th and 11th
Click Here
Inchelium, WA
SBRA Indian Relay Races - TBA
Click Here


No Events


01jun11:00 am02(jun 2)5:00 pmSeason OpenerMiles City, MT


08jun(jun 8)5:00 pm09(jun 9)8:00 pmIndigenous Celebration Indian RelayEvergreen Park - Alberta, Canada

10jun(jun 10)5:00 pm11(jun 11)8:00 pmIndian RelayStrathmore, CA

22jun(jun 22)5:00 pm23(jun 23)5:00 pmCrow Native DaysCrow Agency, MT Native Days Indian Relay


06jul(jul 6)5:00 pm07(jul 7)8:00 pmSugar Bowl Indian RelayInchelium, Washington

27jul(jul 27)5:00 pm28(jul 28)8:00 pmExtreme Indian Relay RacingLloydminister, Canada

27jul(jul 27)11:00 am28(jul 28)5:00 pmWyoming DownsEvanston, WY


02aug12:00 pm8:00 pmPhillips County FairDodson, MT

03aug(aug 3)11:00 am04(aug 4)5:00 pmRun with the WarriorsPine Ridge, SD

10aug(aug 10)2:00 pm11(aug 11)2:00 pmLower Brule RacesLower Brule, SD

24aug(aug 24)5:00 pm25(aug 25)8:00 pmMedicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede Relay RacingMedicine Hat, CA

24aug(aug 24)4:00 pm25(aug 25)2:00 pmNorth Central Washington FairWaterville, WA


06sep(sep 6)5:00 pm08(sep 8)8:00 pmNorth American ChampionshipEmilia, Alberta, CA

07sep(sep 7)10:00 am08(sep 8)5:00 pmTurtle Mountain Indian Horse RelayBelcourt, ND