Miles, City, MT
Season Opener - June 1st and 2nd
Click Here
Crow Agency, MT
Crow Native Days - June 22nd and 23rd
Click Here
Inchelium, Washington
Sugar Bowl Indian Relay - July 6th and 7th
Click Here
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Downs - July 27th and 28th
Click Here
Dodson, MT
Phillips County Fair - August 2nd
Click Here
Lower Brule, SD
Lower Brule Races
August 10th and 11th
Click Here
Inchelium, WA
SBRA Indian Relay Races - TBA
Click Here

About The Horse Nations Indian Relay Council

HNIRC is bringing together the Horse Nations of the Plains in a team event of speed and skill. 

Leading riders and teams from seven different Nations covering ID, MT, ND, SD, WA, OR, AZ, WY and Canada display their skills and daring as they battle it out on the race track.  Imagine if you will, watching five determined teams consisting of three horses, one rider, one mugger and two holders, entering the track, each taking their designated box in preparation to the start of the race. All of the teams have spent months practicing and feel confident that they will bring home the honors.  Each of the fifteen horses are primed  for the start of the race, ready to leap into action, anticipating the glory of the race.  The holders and mugger ready to do their job, despite the risk of personal injury to themselves, as the horses come in for their exchanges.   

“Add to this the unsuccessful transfers-riders sprawled face down in the dirt of the track, or a rider clinging to the side of his horse in a struggle to stay aboard- and it’s easy to see why Indian relay is helping to fill the stands across the West” says American Cowboy “Indian Relay Racing” by Jack McNeel 2009 

They are all working together to keep their team safe and be the first to cross the finish line. The thrill of the race is tangible and addictive to everyone attending. Chiefs, Warriors, and Maidens also compete for a win, all while riding bareback fearlessly against one another to claim individual titles of their own.

Calvin Ghost Bear says “the relay is attractive to Native American boys who grow up on reservations.  Most have access to horses and have tried some of the skills. They pride themselves on being horsemen and on  becoming one with their horse.  He calls the drive to do their best the warrior spirit in them.” – August 8th, 2016 issue of Montana Senior News by Bernice Karnop 

Horse Nations Indian Relay Council feels the need to encourage these young riders, who can start competitive racing at the age of 6 years in youth relays, to achieve these goals and dreams.  And while they ride their relay ponies just like the adult teams, they do so on a much smaller scale.  HNIRC plans to host multiple youth relay race events to help start them on the road to accomplishing these goals while providing them support and guidance. 

Members of our council have a tremendous amount of experience managing both large and small scale races covering 5 states and multiple local reservations, including small hometown tracks, county fairs, pow-wows, and large scale race events.  These events provide the attendees with an experience they will never forget and leave them wanting more.

HNIRC invites you to experience the traditions and culture of Indian Relay.

“The heart pounding, the hooves, the adrenalin, the crowd, the excitement- you aren’t going to get that anywhere else.” -Calvin Ghost Bear-August 8th, 2016 issue of Montana Senior News by Bernice Karnop.   


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